Destination Dance, Sat 29th and Sun 30th Mar 2025
The Wyvern Theatre, Theatre Square, Swindon, SN1 1QN
9.00am Teacher registration opens
9.15am Auditorium doors open
9.30am All Junior and Elementary Entries (#1 to #80)
#35 10.45am I LOOK THROUGH WINDOWS Junior Contemporary - Lauren
#38 10.52am WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN Junior Commercial/ Hip Hop - Lauren
1.00pm Awards for Junior and Elementary Entries
8.30am Teacher registration opens
8.45am Auditorium doors open
9.00am All Teen Entries (#181 to #289)
#194 9.34am JAZZ MAN Teen Jazz - Tabby
#206 9.58am I RAN Teen Open - Tabby
#221 10.37am RUMBLE Junior Commercial/ Hip Hop - Amy
#223 10.41am BREAKIN' DISHES Solo Teen Commercial/ Hip Hop - Holly
#227 10.49am COPS AND ROBBERS Teen Commercial/ Hip Hop - Lauren and Amy
#232 11.03am UR SO PRETTY Teen Lyrical - Holly and Lois
#241 11.29am YOU WILL BE FOUND Junior Lyrical - Amy
#275 12.40pm GROTTO Solo Teen Contemporary - Lois
#278 12.46pm AND BREATHE Teen Contemporary - Tabby
1.30pm Awards for Teen Entries (#181 to #289)
There is no official car park linked to the theatre, but there are plenty of places to park nearby:
Whalebri​dge Car Park, SN1 1TN
Wyvern Short Stay Car Park, SN1 2SD
Regent Circus, SN1 3DQ